Garbage Salad (not really) Recipe

A Garbage Salad - this will guarantee a clean salad plate!

Current recipe picture

I've cut the recipe down from what you will see here, but the process is the same. First, toast the sliced almonds over med-low heat...
as you shake the pan while toasting, turn the almonds frequently, stirring to get the color as even as possible...
...resulting in nicely roasted almonds. Allow to cool completely. Set aside. Don't bag 'em- they'll get chewy - you want crunch
Measure out the raisins and set aside
Combine the eggs, egg yolk(s), sugar, dried mustard and cornstarch...
....and the water/vinegar and whisk vigorously to combine well and put a little air into the mixture
Into the double boiler and whisk until you obtain a creamy, bubble-free sauce. Note the side of the pan and the whisk...
Remove the sauce from the heat and whisk in the mayo and butter
This is the fine sweet & tangly dressing - creamy and rich. Chill it in the fridge for a couple of hours, at least.
THIS is the right thickness for this dressing. Spoon straight down and up without dripping
Blanche the broccoli flowerlets, ice bath, drain and dry on paper towels. Chill in the 'fridge,
For those who don't buy a can of mandarin oranges and drain 'em... here's how to section the navel oranges for the salad
After cutting off the top and bottom of the orange, slice down, just inside the pith. Go around the fruit and trim off as much pith as you can
With a very (always) sharp knife, trim a little V at the section membrane. Remove that pith
...then follow the inside of the membrane to center of the fruit,,,
...the sections should just fall out. You can trim any remaining pith or membrane, but at this point, it's for show 'cuz you already did a fine job
As you do each orange, it's easy to just cut each section in half - doubling your bites! Chill.
You may use strips of thick, smoked bacon - or slab or jowl. If you haven't worked with slab or jowl bacon, here's how to prepare it for this dish.
I always cut from frozen bacon - much easier to work with, no slippin' n slidin', consistent size pieces. 1/4" slices come first...
Trim the rind (on the right) off and discard. Cut 1/4" strips into 1/4" dice
Over a medium flame, begin to brown, moving the bacon around frequently...
until you have a generally consistent pan of browned bacon. Remove with a slotted spoon to cool in a bowl, SAVING the fat for those homefries or cornbread
As the bacon cools, move it to the 'fridge to chill. Done. Now assemble the salad!
Today I'm halving white button and Crimini mushrooms - you can also use baby 'portobellos or your favorite! Enjoy!
Old Glory & The Flag of Michigam

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