Creator: Dean Grason

Removing carbon from cast iron skillet

myra byanka
myra byanka March 4, 2013

I bought a cast iron skillet in a garage sale. I got the rust out of it, but there remains a hard carbon crust that flakes off. I have tried salt, salt paste, wire brush, vinegar. I do not want to use harsh chemicals, and don't have a sand blaster. Any ideas?

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Robyn Savoie
Robyn Savoie November 30, 2013 16:00
Re: Removing carbon from cast iron skillet


You need to break the rules of traditional care of cast iron cookery. In this case, it's okay to scour the pan using steal wool or stainless steal scouring pads. Odds are you will remove some of the natural "seasoning" build-up. Once you have the carbon flakes off, wash the pan with soapy water and dry thoroughly with paper towels. Reseason the pan immediately. And you're good to go.


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