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Red sauce for chinese chicken balls Recipe
by Micheline

Red sauce for chinese chicken balls

This is the recipe for the sweet red sauce served with chinese chicken balls in Chinese restaurants.

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Avg. 4.5/5 2 votes
Prep time: China Chinese
Cook time: Servings: 8


  • 2 cups water
  • 3/4 cup Heinz ketchup
  • 3/4 cup white sugar
  • 3 tbsps (red) grenadine
  • 3 tbsps cornstarch
  • 1/4 cup water


  1. Combine the first 4 ingredients in a saucepan on top of the stove and cook on medium heat for 1 to 2 minutes. In the meantime, mix 3 tbsps of cornstarch with 1/4 cup of water and add to the other ingredients to thicken the sauce. Cook until thickened.
  2. Serve with Chinese chicken balls.