This is a print preview of "Island Pulled Pork Soft Tacos with Grilled Pineapple Salsa" recipe.

Island Pulled Pork Soft Tacos with Grilled Pineapple Salsa Recipe
by Cavegirl Cuisine

YES! Otto’s Cassava Flour has opened up a new world for me. I was in a little bit of a cooking funk but this one crazy little ingredient has my mind going in all directions. And, for the first time in YEARS, I was able to break out the dough hook to my KitchenAid! <– although, this isn’t necessary for the recipe (just helpful!).

Also, I have a new outlook on how I slow cook my pork. I wanted to cook it for four hours without adding any liquid and then I was going to add chicken broth for the next four hours. Well, my brain stopped working and I headed out of the house to check off my list or errands and completely forgot to add the broth. When I got back home, I realized that the pork creates it own lovely liquid of natural juices and melted natural fats. Ironically, it was the juiciest pork butt I’ve ever cooked!

This soft taco recipe only yields 6 tortillas, so if you have more to feed, double the recipe as there will be plenty of leftover pork!


Place the pork in a slow cooker.

In small food processor, blend garlic, chipotles, mustard, maple syrup, fish sauce, and salt. Brush mixture over the pork. Cover and cook on low for 7 hours. Flip the pork. It should be falling apart at this point. Using two forks, pull apart the chunks of meat into shreds. Mix in the natural juices and seasonings and let cook covered on low for an additional hour. Use this hour to make your salsa and tortillas.

Slice pineapple into a quarter- or half-inch slices. Grill for about a minute or two on each side. I used my grilling pan on the stove or I suppose you could also break out your George Forman! Remove pineapple from heat and dice. Stir together with remaining salsa ingredients. Cover and refrigerate.

Sift together cassava flour, arrowroot, and fine sea salt (if you don’t have a sifter, no worries ~ just use a whisk to make sure the dry ingredients get distributed). Add melted butter. Slowly add water. I used the dough hook on my KitchenAid, so if you have this, it is probably the easiest way. You may have to add more water. Do this one tablespoon at a time. If you happen to add too much, no worries…just add a little more cassava flour. You should create a ball of dough that is not too sticky, not too crackly (like pie dough). Divide the dough into 6 smaller balls.

OK…this step will take a little patience, but the results will be worth it. My first two attempts were a little wonky but then it was a breeze. If you have a tortilla press (I don’t), break it out. If not, place one of the small dough balls between two pieces of parchment paper. Using a rolling pin over the top piece of parchment paper, roll in different directions until you achieve the best 6-inch circle you can achieve with this method. Remove the top piece of parchment paper. Peel the tortilla off the bottom paper. If a piece breaks, just mend it with a little water. Once you find your groove with this process, you’ll never look back!

In an ungreased, non-stick pan over medium-high heat, cook each tortilla (one at a time) for about 1-2 minutes on each side…it will start to get those classic tortilla browned bumps.

Fill each soft taco with pork and salsa and any additional garnishes preferred…I love extra kick so I piled on some jalapeño slices! This soft taco recipe only yields 6 tortillas, so if you have more to feed, double the recipe as there will be plenty of leftover pork!
