This is a print preview of "Woodrow's Macaroni with Baguio beans Salad (Fiesta Fare)" recipe.

Woodrow's Macaroni with Baguio beans Salad (Fiesta Fare) Recipe
by Joyce Yap

Woodrow's Macaroni with Baguio beans Salad (Fiesta Fare)

This recipe is best served during fiesta celebration. The first time I ate this salad was during the fiesta of Sibulan, Negros Oriental. The original recipe from a friend named Woodrow.

Rating: 5/5
Avg. 5/5 1 vote
Prep time: Philippines Filipino
Cook time: Servings: 50 small plastic disposable containers with cover

Goes Well With: BREAD


  • 8 kilos Macaroni
  • 1 kilo Baguio beans,chopped finely
  • 1 gallon mayonnaise
  • 4 big cans nata de coco
  • 6 big cans condensed sweetened milk
  • 1 gallon fruit mix
  • 1 kilo raisins
  • 2 kilos white sugar
  • 2 boxes cheese, diced
  • pinch of salt


  1. Cook macaroni as directed on package. rinse and drain. Set aside.
  2. Blanch Baguio beans in boiling water and drain.
  3. In a large mixing bowl, mix thoroughly cooked macaroni with beans and the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Chill before serving.