This is a print preview of "Vegan Cupcakes" recipe.

Vegan Cupcakes Recipe
by Ellen Sheen

Vegan Cupcakes

Or 'The Perfect Cupcake', as I have ever so rightly dubbed them.

I realize that my last few posts have been sweets. I do have some fantastic meals ready for post but I wanted to get this one up in case someone you know is having a birthday and you want to make some fantastic cupcakes for them :)

This weekend was Noodle Nose's 5th birthday party. His actual birthday is on February 2nd but we celebrated early. I still can't believe my little Noodle is going to be five in just a couple days... wow.

So for his birthday, instead of buying one of those nasty, nauseatingly sweet and pumped full of who knows what birthday cakes, I made him cupcakes. Perfect for a gaggle of five year olds to eat, relatively messless and 100 percent delicious.

For Christmas, Noodle got me Alicia Silverstone 's book, The Kind Diet. I have been wanting it for a while so I was super excited to get into it. These cupcakes are from Alicia's book. She calls them 'My Favorite Cupcake' and I can see why it is... no refined sugar, light, flavorful and very simple to make. I did change a few small things, as per usual.

I'm keeping this post short because of the searing migraine that I have had for the last few days. It has subsided just enough for me to stare at the computer for a minute but it will be back, I'm sure.

Adapted from Alicia Silverstone's 'My Favorite Cupcakes' in The Kind Diet.

Yield about 12 cupcakes


1/2 cup soy milk powder (note: I did not add the soy milk powder to my frosting and it turned out just fine. I will add it next time though, to thicken it up a bit)


Preheat oven to 325 and line muffin tin with liners

In a medium bowl, combine milk and vinegar, stir and set aside.

In a Kitchenaid or other bowl, combine flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Mix to combine.

After your milk/vinegar mixture has set for a while it should bubble. At that point add agave nectar, oil and vanilla and stir together.

Add wet ingredients to dry and mix until just combined and no lumps remain.

Pour batter about 1/2 to 3/4 way full in each tin. Bake for 18 to 22 minutes until cupcakes are golden brown and a toothpick comes out clean.

Remove and let cool completely before frosting.

For the frosting:

Use a mixer to cream butter and agave nectar. When smooth, add vanilla extract and cocoa powder. Continue mixing until smooth then add the soy milk powder and beat on high until fluffy.

Scoop frosting into a ziploc bag and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour to give it time to set up.

To frost your cupcakes:

Remove frosting from refrigerator and cut a small hole in one of the edges of the ziploc bag. Start in the middle of your cupcake and pipe the frosting around the top. Repeat for all cupcakes.


Noodle Nose is obsessed with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles so I decorated with TMNT rings, a few sprinkles and adorable little 'A's... Decorate as you choose :)

Thanks Alicia, for a super great and very simple cupcake recipe... they are also my favorite now too!


Vanilla Extract