This is a print preview of "Tagliatelle with Radicchio and Speck" recipe.

Tagliatelle with Radicchio and Speck Recipe
by Carmelita

Tagliatelle with Radicchio and Speck

A tasty pasta dish that is so quick and simple to prepare! Speck is a very lightly smoked ham made in North East Italy - you can substitute pancetta if you can't get it.

Rating: 5/5
Avg. 5/5 2 votes
Prep time: Italy Italian
Cook time: Servings: 4


  • 400g (just under a pound) freshly made tagliatelle
  • a small onion
  • 100g (3 1/2 ounces) smoked Speck or pancetta
  • 1 large head long red radicchio
  • 1/4 cup red wine
  • 2 or 3 tbsp. cream
  • 1 tbsp. butter
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • Parmigiano-Reggiano to grate at table


  1. Chop pancetta finely and cut the radicchio into strips and set aside.
  2. Chop the onion finely and soften in the butter with a little water to prevent it frying or colouring - it needs to sweat and wilt while remaining white
  3. Add the Spek or pancetta to the onion and cook together, stirring from time to time, for 10 minutes. Add the wine and half the radicchio and as soon as it wilts add the remaining half. Allow the wine to evaporate completely. You can turn the heat off at this
  4. Bring a large pan of water to the boil and add generous coarse sea salt when it has come to the boil, not before. Cook the pasta for about 3 minutes only as it is freshly made.
  5. When you have tipped in and stirred the pasta, add 2 tbsp. cream to the pan with the radicchio/pancetta and heat for a minute or two. Taste to decide whether you need to add a little more butter to sweeten or a little cheese to make it saltier, more savoury.
  6. Add the drained pasta and sauté briefly to coat with sauce - there should be just enough to coat the strands of pasta which will absorb it, so the tagliatelle ribbons are full of flavour and there are no sauce puddles on the plate.