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Sweet corn soup recipe Recipe
by charulata

Sweet corn soup recipe

Sweet corn soup is a very healthy soup made with sweet corn kernels. It has a lot of nutrients and is liked by all due to the delicate flavour of the corns. This sweet corn recipe is one of the quick and easy soup recipe which can be prepared at home. Several types of soups can be prepared using corn as a primary ingredient like sweet corn soup, chinese sweet corn soup, mexican corn soup and so on. This soup recipe is the basic version of sweet corn recipe. Do try this comforting soup and enjoy with your family!!

Remove or scrape the corn kernels from the cob. Boil the corn kernels with a cup of water. Once cooled down, drain the water and keep this water aside. (reserved water)

Grind the boiled corn to a smooth paste with little water. Alternatively you can also blend them.

Heat a pan or kadai on a low to medium flame. Add the corn paste, the reserved water and milk and bring it to a boil. Add salt and green chilli and simmer on a low flame for another 3-4 minutes.

Dissolve the corn flour in 2 tablespoons of water and add this to the soup. Simmer for another 2 minutes.

Cook till the soup thickens and the corn flour gets cooked. Once cooked add pepper powder and mix well. Switch off the flame.

Garnish with chopped coriander leaves and serve hot sweet corn soup. It goes well along with garlic bread.