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Sprouted Yellow Peas Curry – Oil Free Recipe
by Uma

This is a healthy (oil free) and yummy curry prepared using dry yellow peas. Here is how I sprouted these yellow peas.

Wash and soak yellow peas in plenty of water overnight. Then drain all the water and place them in a colander with small holes. Cover the colander tightly with a saran wrap. Keep it in a warm place. You must see sprouts after 8 to 12 hrs.

Check out Meera’s post on how to make different sprouts. I followed her tips on sprouting to the letter. Thanks for the wonderful tips Meera!!



Add the sprouted yellow peas in a bowl or pan, pour some water, cover and let it cook for some time. When the peas looks soft and cooked, add all the chopped veggies and mix well. Add turmeric and cilantro and stir well. Pour little water and leave the pan for some time until the onions become soft.

Finally add garam masala and mix well. Adjust salt and turn off the flame after all the water gets absorbed and the curry becomes little dry (not too dry).

This curry goes well with chapathis.