This is a print preview of "Spicy Baked Chicken Drumsticks | Baked Chicken Legs | Indian Style Baked Chicken | New Year Special Recipe" recipe.

Spicy Baked Chicken Drumsticks | Baked Chicken Legs | Indian Style Baked Chicken | New Year Special Recipe Recipe
by Divya Pramil

2013 is retiring and almost in just some hours it will be another past year. Yet here comes a new beginning, a New year "2014" with high hopes and new wishes. 2013, for me, was a year with loads of ups and downs, it must have been the same with all of us. But I thank God who brought me safe all through the bumpy ride. I turn back to count upon the blessings and also the things I have learnt from people, incidents and happenings. I have been blessed in some way not because I'm worth it, just because He is graceful and Kind enough and its the same with all of us. Jesus loved us, though we are unworthy or unfit for his kindness. I will and must thank Him for this unconditional love I have experienced. When I look back at the calendar I can see a lot of frustrating days with gloomy times, but I have also witnessed how God had held my hand all through those dreary times and how He has brought me safe to the other end.

I'm sure 2014 is not gonna be a trouble free year, but I can assure you that with God's grace these worries and wrecks can never be a matter of fact, nothing will harm you when you are under His wings. Don't worry about what you have lost, the best is yet to come! Jesus has been a rock and a hiding place for me in days of trouble, I personally am standing as an eye witness to Him in so many ways. He will definitely be the same with you when you trust in Him. He cares for you, He knows the nights when you cried silently and tossed and turned with misery, He even keeps tracks of your tears! He knows your every move!! What a good God we have right? Then why not have faith, rely on Him who counts our tears? He will wipe away our tears for sure, as He is a compassionate Mother, loving Father and a dear friend.

"You (Jesus) have kept count of my tossings; put my tears in your bottle"

Psalm 56:8

"As a mother comforts her child, so will I (Jesus) comfort you;"

- Isaiah 66:13

When you say God hasn't done anything for you, just think about how he has given you a chance to visit another new year with fresh hopes and breath in your nostrils, there are thousands out there who are fighting to live another extra second, isn't it pure mercy and grace that you are able to breath without any hurdles? So why not rejoice and thank Him with gratitude for every little things? You have millions of reasons to be thankful to Him. Also never ever forget to thank Him for the family, children, parents, and friends you have, many do not have them either!!

We take so many resolutions every year, which we know that we are definitely not going to follow, but just take one resolution to thank God every morning for the new day, the new grace, good health, His mercies and His steadfast love. Look at what you have and praise God for it, because you have what others don't have. Thank Him with a whole heart as this year ends and He shall crown your New year with His goodness and bless you abundantly.

"You (Jesus) crown the year with Your goodness, And Your paths drip with abundance."

-Psalm 65:11

And now lets move on to a special recipe to bid adieu to the year 2013 and to celebrate the coming of a New year, Indian style baked chicken legs; it has awesome desi flavors in it and is perfect for any celebrations. Baking chicken is a better option when comparing to frying chicken, but still fried chicken has its own unbeatable taste and texture. You can optionally bake or fry these according to your wish. Chicken has lots of protein and it is the best when prepared and served healthy. I have used skinned chicken, but you can opt for chicken with skin, the skin becomes crisp as you bake them and will taste wonderful. This will be perfect as starter or accompaniment with biryanis and any special dishes. Do try this flavorful chicken and make your day even more special.


Marination Time - 2 hours to overnight (depending on your time availability)

Baking Time -1 hour 10 minutes

Extras needed

Baking tray (or a wire rack preferably)

Aluminium foil

Kitchen towel or tissue papers


To a blender add all the ingredients mentioned under "For Masala" and grind into a coarse mixture. Then sprinkle some water and grind into a smooth paste and set aside.

Wash chicken pieces well in water. Make cuts/incisions on the chicken legs using a sharp knife. Mix some salt salt and 2 tsp of lemon juice, apply this on chicken pieces on all the sides using your hands. Set aside for a few minutes and wash again.

Then pat dry using a kitchen towel or tissue paper.

Apply the masala over the chicken pieces and see that you apply really well inside the incisions too.

Place the marinated chicken pieces in a bowl or plastic bag and keep inside a refrigerator (chiller tray) for 2 to 3 hours. (leaving overnight will make the chicken absorb the flavors even better)

After the marination time remove the chicken pieces from the refrigerator and set aside.

Preheat oven to 200° C for 10 minutes. (heat both the rods)

Line a baking tray with aluminium foil and arrange the chicken pieces on it.

Spray or pour 2 tsp of oil over the chicken pieces and slide into the center rack of the oven, bake (200° C) for 25 minutes on one side.

Then remove the tray from oven and turn the chicken pieces using a tong, then pour or sprinkle little oil on this side and slide the tray into the oven and bake the other side for another 25 minutes.

Then remove the tray from center rack and slide into the top rack and bake for another 5 to 7 minutes on each side until it turns reddish and brown.

Once done remove from oven and serve with lemon wedges and onion slices.

TIP 1: You can prepare the same with normal chicken pieces too. Only the time will vary.

TIP 2: Baking using a wire rack will be much better as the chicken will get baked on the other side too simultaneously. So when baking using a wire rack insert the baking tray below the wire rack (the bottom rack) to catch the drippings from the chicken.

TIP 3: You can shallow fry the same, it will taste great too.

Spicy Baked Chicken is now ready!! Serve with biryani, pulao or simply drizzle lemon and serve with some sliced onions and enjoy!!

Bu-Bye to the year 2013 that taught me so much!!

Wishing all my dear readers & friends,

A very Happy, Prosperous, Goodness filled, and Blessed New year!!

"You (Jesus) crown the year with Your goodness, And Your paths drip with abundance."

And I believe that "Surely Goodness & Mercy shall follow Me (& You) all the days of My (& Your) life!!"

-Psalm 23:6
