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Simple Indian Beetroot Salad Recipe Recipe
by Siri

Learn how to make a simple Indian beetroot salad, a vegan recipe with steamed beets and lightly spiced with cumin powder and lemon juice dressing. Another easy variation is this roasted beet salad in yogurt dressing. These two salad recipes can be served as side dishes, main course-salads or just as healthy snacks.

To define the role of a salad in our South Indian kitchen is pretty tough. Sometimes it serves a small role just to render refreshing contrast to other main dishes like dal, curry and rice and other times a salad takes the center stage as a snack item. Either ways, we love our salads and eat them with the same gusto as proteins and carbs. Our salads usually are fragrant, quick, flavorful and crunchy in nature, not masked with too many ingredients. For instance, roasted cherry tomatoes sprinkled with salt & amchoor (raw mango powder) or sliced cucumber with salt & red chilli powder or this beet salad, where the veggies are boiled/steamed, cubed and then tossed with onions, herbs, cumin powder, lemon juice and topped with sesame seeds. Can it get any simpler? If you prefer raw beets, skip the steaming, directly cube them and toss with rest of the ingredients.


More simple 'salad' recipes to check out -

Simple Indian Beetroot Salad


fresh herbs (coriander leaves)


Peel beets and steam or boil in hot water until fork tender (for about 10 minutes). Cool and cut into cubes. In a bowl, mix together - beets, onions, cilantro, salt, cumin powder, salt, pepper powder and lemon juice.

Sprinkle sesame seeds and Serve.

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