This is a print preview of "Sambar Without Sambar Powder (Lentil stew with vegetables)" recipe.

Sambar Without Sambar Powder (Lentil stew with vegetables) Recipe
by Divya Pramil


(Serves 4-5)

Now in a pressure cooker add oil, after it heats up add mustard seeds, and let it splutter, then add cumin seeds, onions, curry leaves, and coriander leaves and saute for a minute.

Then add the dry powders such as red chilli powder, coriander powder, and stir for a minute.

Now add all the chopped vegetables and salt and stir well.

Add 2 cups of water or until the vegetables sink.

Close the cooker with a lid and pressure cook for 3-4 minutes after first whistle.

After the vegetables gets cooked, remove cooker from flame and open the cooker lid after the pressure gets fully released.

Then add the cooked dal and stir well.

Place on flame again, add tamarind water.

Check for salt content and add salt and water if necessary.

Let it sit on flame for 2 minutes and then remove from flame.


TIP 1: Add beans, potatoes and any other vegetable of your choice. Dumping a lot of vegetables makes it more healthy and yummy.

TIP 2: Asafoetida is the basic secret for sambar without sambar powder. It gives the necessary aroma so add atleast 1/2 spoon for the above measurement.

TIP 3: Add a piece of raw mango to enhance flavor and reduce the usage of tamarind.

Serve with spicy potato recipe or any spicy side-dishes like cabbage stir fry and enjoy!! I love it with Instant raw mango pickle!!