This is a print preview of "rustic Meringue Spice cloud pastry cookies" recipe.

rustic Meringue Spice cloud pastry cookies Recipe
by Foodessa

rustic Meringue Spice cloud pastry cookies

As light as air and tasty beyond expectation.

For a dedicated post…refer to:

Rating: 4.5/5
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  Italy Italian
  Servings: 12


  • . > (American / Metric measures) <
  • .
  • . 4 large egg whites, room temp.
  • . pinch of sea salt
  • . 1/2 tsp. (2.5ml) pure Vanilla extract
  • . 3/4 cup (165g) granulated sugar
  • . 1/4 cup (30g) confectioners' sugar
  • . 1/4 tsp. (1.75ml) ground cinnamon


  1. . Clean a large bowl with a paper towel and white vinegar. Pre-heat the oven to 225F/110C/0.5Gas. Prepare a large, parchment lined baking pan. . Position rack in the center of the oven.
  2. . Place the egg whites into the clean bowl to come to room temperature. > Tip: for the process to go quicker, place another bowl filled with warm water to then hold the egg white bowl for a few minutes.
  3. . Add the salt to the egg whites and beat on MEDIUM-HIGH speed with an electric whisk until very light, soft peaks appear.
  4. . Add in the vanilla and keep beating while gradually adding in ONLY the granulated sugar and the cinnamon at first. At the end, gradually finish with beating in the confectioners' sugar.
  5. . Keep beating on HIGH speed for about 5 minutes until somewhat stiff and glossy peaks are achieved.
  6. . Spoon 12 big dollops onto the prepared pan.
  7. . BAKE for 1:30 hours (1 hour for smaller units.) Then, close the heat and let them rest with the oven closed for another 1 hour to completely dry Then, remove from the oven and cool completely on the pan.
  8. . Store into an airtight container for no more than a week. These can also be frozen into parchment paper and into a freezer bag.
  9. . Happy baking from Claudia's