This is a print preview of "Roast Pork on a Bed of Onions; I’m trying to have more fun" recipe.

Roast Pork on a Bed of Onions; I’m trying to have more fun Recipe
by Katie Zeller

I made this last year, but, as so often happens, time slipped by before I did the post.

As it’s stuffed with fresh sage leaves, and roasted on a bed of onions, now seemed an appropriate time of year for it. My sage is at it’s peak and I have enough onions to last the rest of the year.

Instead of putting the pork roast on the usual rack, I laid it on sliced onions. They got brown and sweet with all the pork juices.

I used a small loin roast, 1 1/2 lbs and it cooked to the correct temperature in under an hour.

Roast Pork on a Bed of Onions

Total time: 1 hour 15 minutes



Cut pork almost in half the long way and open it like a book

Spread the mustard on the bottom half.

Sprinkle the shallots over the mustard, than top with the sage leaves and ham.

Close the roast and tie with string.

Mix the herbs and spices and rub on the top.

Arrange onions in a single layer in a roasting pan.

Put pork on top and roast, 350F (175C) until done, 40-50 minutes…. Use a meat thermometer.

Temperature should be 145F (62C).

Remove, remove string and let rest for 10 minutes,

Slice and serve with onions spoon onions around and serve.

Do any of you participate in line dancing? Or Western Dance as it’s called here in France?

Strange as it may seem (and it does to me) it’s extremely popular here. All of the little towns and villages seem to offer classes and hold exhibitions and competitions. (I have no idea if Parisians participate…)

It’s never particularly interested me, but a friend talked me into giving it a try,

And I am trying…..

First, (naturally) I googled it. It seems that there are specific song / dance combinations. One does not just dance any line dance to any song. If it’s X song it’s Y dance and no deviations allowed.

I don’t know who’s in charge of dictating and matching dance steps to songs, but, apparently, some one is.

I like country western music, but the songs we’ve been learning to dance to don’t really seem to fit that genre very well.

Maybe it’s modern country, and I haven’t listened to country since I left the U.S.

Well, other than Willie Nelson…. I’m rather fond of Willie Nelson.

I digress….

My problem, other than 2 left feet, (which can be overcome with practice) is that I’m kind of bored.

For those who don’t know…. One faces front and does a series of steps, then executes a 1/4 turn, and does them again, executes another 1/4 turn, does them again, etc.,etc. until the song is over.

By the time I’m facing front again I’m trying to peak at my watch. (I don’t want to seem rude….)

Maybe it’s just that, as ‘debutantes’ (beginners) we’re learning really simple steps.

I am trying to like it…. I really am.

I used to love to dance, although I haven’t been anywhere to dance in years. I love waltzes and polkas and fox-trots and all the old dances where one could feel and move with the music.

I haven’t found the correlation yet. It feels like we’re doing a dance and there’s music playing at the same time, but no relationship.

But I’ve only been to 2 classes.

It’s a good activity, gets one out in the community, meeting new people, enjoying a bit of light exercise along with the conviviality and all that.

I should like it.

I can almost hear my mother saying ‘You will do this and you WILL have fun!’

I keep telling myself I need to get out more…..

It’s just that by the time the evening comes around (it’s at 7:30) I’d rather pour a cup of tea, put my feet up and watch an hour of NetFlix.

I’ll give it another week.

I did say I was going to have more fun….

I just thought that having more fun would BE more fun.

Last update on September 16, 2015
