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Rice Krispies Treats With Double Chocolate Drizzle Recipe
by Susan Giella

Rice Krispies Treats With Double Chocolate Drizzle

December 16, 2014 by Susan Leave a Comment

There are a handful of snacks that bring me right back to my childhood and this is one of them. Rice Krispies Treats are old-school and eating them make me feel like a kid again. And feeling like a kid again is fun!

Actually, I feel like a kid most days mainly because I am hanging around with (running after) my very-soon-to-be-three-year-old. Going to the playground, riding a carousel, horsey rides on my back and tea parties…it’s all about kid stuff around here. So these fit into my lifestyle quite nicely these days.

The recipe for these treats is very basic. Prepare them in the normal fashion and press them into the dish. Then comes the fun part. The double chocolate drizzle is the final element that takes these over the top and turns them into something special. A work of art, even.

The real beauty of this dessert, for me, is that there are no eggs or peanuts involved. My daughter is allergic to both so finding acceptable treats for her is not easy. I don’t have to worry or alter anything for this recipe. Plain and simple. Oh, but with an amazing chocolate explosion over top. And my baby loves chocolate, just like her mamma.

You remember eating (and loving) these as a kid, right? Go ahead, whip up a batch and tap into your inner child. The holidays are right around the corner (how did that happen so fast?!) and these would be a perfect treat to bring to a holiday party or even give away as edible gifts.

Here’s what you need to make approximately 12-16 bars (depending on the size you prefer)…



In a large pot over medium heat melt the butter. Once melted add all the marshmallows and lower the heat to low. Add a pinch of salt and stir until all the marshmallows are melted into the butter and the mixture is smooth. (The key step here is lowering the heat so they don’t burn).

Once the mixture is smooth add the rice cereal and stir so all the cereal is coated with the marshmallow mixture. You will need to put a little muscle into it!

Lay the longer piece of parchment paper on the bottom of your baking dish, with the long ends slightly over hanging the end of the dish. You will use this as handles to lift the treats out of the dish. Dump the mixture into the baking dish and carefully spread out evenly. I found the best method for this step is to use a piece of parchment paper. Simply lay the paper over the pan and press and slide your hand (and side of your palm) over the mixture until it is smooth and level. Peel off the parchment paper.

Meanwhile, melt both the bittersweet chocolate and the white chocolate in separate bowls. I do this in the microwave, melting each in 20 second intervals until completely melted. Drizzle over the top as much or as little as you like. I usually just use a fork and flick my wrist, spraying chocolate over the treats. Another (less messy) option is to put the chocolate in a small zip top back, cut a tiny piece of a corner off and drizzle. Create your artwork.

Allow rice treats to sit for another hour or so until the chocolate sets. If you are in a rush, you can pop them in the fridge. Once set, left the entire block out of the pan (lifting by the parchment paper). Lay on a flat surface and cut into squares. You can make big squares or cut them into smaller, bite-size pieces.

This is the size and thickness I usually prefer.

Rice Krispies Treats With Double Chocolate Drizzle 4 Tbsp butter 10 oz mini marshmallows 6 cups rice cereal pinch of salt 8 x 10 baking dish 2 pieces of parchment paper, one piece slightly longer than your baking dish 3-4 oz bittersweet chocolate (or semi sweet), melted 3-4 oz white chocolate, melted Ingredients

4 Tbsp butter 10 oz mini marshmallows 6 cups rice cereal pinch of salt 8 x 10 baking dish 2 pieces of parchment paper, one piece slightly longer than your baking dish 3-4 oz bittersweet chocolate (or semi sweet), melted 3-4 oz white chocolate, melted Method

In a large pot over medium heat melt the butter. Once melted add all the marshmallows and lower the heat to low. Add a pinch of salt and stir until all the marshmallows are melted into the butter and the mixture is smooth. (The key step here is lowering the heat so they don't burn). Once the mixture is smooth add the rice cereal and stir so all the cereal is coated with the marshmallow mixture. You will need to put a little muscle into it! Lay the longer piece of parchment paper on the bottom of your baking dish, with the long ends slightly over hanging the end of the dish. You will use this as handles to lift the treats out of the dish. Dump the mixture into the baking dish and carefully spread out evenly. I found the best method for this step is to use a piece of parchment paper. Simply lay the paper over the pan and press and slide your hand (and side of your palm) over the mixture until it is smooth and level. Peel off the parchment paper. Meanwhile, melt both the bittersweet chocolate and the white chocolate in separate bowls. I do this in the microwave, melting each in 20 second intervals until completely melted. Drizzle over the top as much or as little as you like. I usually just use a fork and flick my wrist, spraying chocolate over the treats. Another (less messy) option is to put the chocolate in a small zip top back, cut a tiny piece of a corner off and drizzle. Create your artwork. Allow rice treats to sit for another hour or so until the chocolate sets. If you are in a rush, you can pop them in the fridge. Once set, left the entire block out of the pan (lifting by the parchment paper). Lay on a flat surface and cut into squares. You can make big squares or cut them into smaller, bite-size pieces. 3.2.2802