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Recipe For Malted Chocolate Tart Recipe
by Tandy Sinclair

When I worked at The Hard Rock Café I would end my shift my a mug of hot milk, flavoured with Horlicks. During the week we worked until midnight at the earliest and some weekends we would be at work at breakfast time having pulled an all night shift. Horlicks is a malted drink, similar to Ovaltine. I found that a generous serving in milk would be all that I would need to get a good night’s sleep, even if that translated to napping from 6am till 9am. The strangest thing is that whenever I had surgery, the first thing I asked for after an anaesthetic, was a Horlicks milkshake. This had to come from The Doll’s House, the local roadhouse diner and was also provided by my friend Kim. Sadly, Horlicks is not sugar free and so for 20 years I have not enjoyed a mug of hot milk flavoured with Horlicks before bed time. The other day I had some time on my hands and so I read the ingredients of the Ovaltine tin – it is sugar free but extremely expensive. I did not want to spend a lot of money and end up having one spoonful and being disappointed in the taste. It was then that I decided to buy some barley malt syrup to try instead as the price suited my budget way better. I was not let down at all! It actually tastes better than Horlicks! And then I decided to take this one step further and add a spoonful of the barley malt syrup to my favourite hot chocolate drink, Nomu’s Skinny Hot Chocolate. This is now my new favourite bed time treat, with a dash of cinnamon added for the night’s I feel I need some help sleeping. This drink was the inspiration behind my malted chocolate tart. I promise you, it tastes just as good as it looks!


Place the cream and the syrup into a sauce pan and bring to the boil

Place the chocolate into a large measuring jug and pour the boiling cream over the chocolate

Mix in until all the chocolate has melted

Add the cacao and the butter and mix in completely, making sure everything is melted and the ganache is smooth

Leave to cool slightly before pouring into a prepared pastry shell

Place into the fridge to set


Recipe from Lavender & Lime Blog ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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About Tandy Sinclair

I am passionate about regional, sustainable and seasonal produce. I live in Gordons Bay in a cottage with my husband, our three dogs, a tortoise and a fish. We are busy building a house which is an adventure all in itself. Each year we visit a new place to experience the food of the area.