This is a print preview of "Pumpkin Bread Pudding" recipe.

Pumpkin Bread Pudding Recipe
by Lynda Olsen

It seems that when fall arrives, so does my need for baking! Or rather not my need, but my desire. The air is cool and there's just nothing like turning on your oven and sticking a mouthwatering, sweet smelling dessert inside so that you can have a bit of fall deliciousness! I've been making this luscious Pumpkin Bread Pudding for a couple of years now and let me tell you, it is heavenly! The custard is silky smooth and delicious, with just the right amount of spices to make you savor each bite. It's a perfect marriage of pumpkin pie and bread pudding. Addictive!

Unfortunately, the days have been dark and dreary here lately, so my pictures are not as good as I hoped. But then, I always have trouble photographing brownish looking foods. This is one of our newer favorite desserts. Cubes of crusty bread and spicy pumpkin never tasted so good!

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Place the melted butter butter in a bowl with the cubed bread and toss. In another bow, mix the pumpkin, sugar, milk, cream, eggs and yolk, and spices. Beat well and toss in with the bread. Stir and pour into a 8x8x ungreased baking pan. Bake at 350 for about 25-35 minutes, until custard is set. Enjoy with homemade whipped cream, ice cream or my decadent Caramel Sauce, if desired.

Earlier, I said that I use less bread than called for. That is because I like to have a layer of silky custard, so I never use all the bread called for in bread pudding recipes. So this dessert turns out more scoopable (is that a word?), than one that is cut into squares. But it's delicious whichever way you make it. My husband will get up in the night for this addictive, comforting dessert. This Pumpkin Bread Pudding is perfect for the coming holiday gatherings! Hope you try it!