This is a print preview of "Peaches & Cream Rice Pudding" recipe.

Peaches & Cream Rice Pudding Recipe
by Laurie Alves

Peaches & Cream Rice Pudding

A wonderfully fruity version of a Comfort Classic.

Rating: 4.5/5
Avg. 4.5/5 1 vote
Prep time: United States American
Cook time: Servings: 15 Servings

Wine and Drink Pairings: Prosecco


  • Ingredients:
  • Peach compote
  • 2-3 peaches diced (may leave skin on)
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • Rice pudding
  • 2 cups Milk
  • 1 cup Heavy Cream
  • 4 xl Eggs (if using large use 6)
  • 1/2 cup Sugar
  • 1 tsp Vanilla
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 2 Peaches (diced)
  • 3 cups Rice (freshly cooked)


  1. Instructions:
  2. Compote
  3. In a small sauce pan over medium heat combine water and sugar.
  4. Heat on medium until sugar is dissolved.
  5. Lower heat to low, add peaches.
  6. Simmer uncovered for 30-45 minutes.
  7. The end result will be a thick peach "sauce".
  8. Rice Pudding
  9. I cook rice in a rice cooker. I start my custard mixture once rice has moved to "warm". For those who do not use a rice cooker, time your custard to start at point where rice is 2 minutes from done**
  10. In a large heavy pot, add milk, cream, eggs and sugar. Mix well.
  11. Turn on Heat to high.
  12. Once mixture starts to warm...(condensation on side of pan shows dewy)
  13. Lower heat to medium.
  14. Simmer and stir constantly...
  15. Mixture will start to thicken (leaves a "skim" at side of pan)
  16. Lower heat to Low (2-3 on electric stove)
  17. Add peach compote and fresh diced peach.
  18. Combine really well.
  19. Once fresh peaches have combined into custard well, add Rice.
  20. Stir constantly over low heat.
  21. When mixture is creamy and thick and starting to bubble (spit) at you.
  22. Remove from heat.
  23. Add vanilla and Stir vanilla through.
  24. Cover and let stand 5 minutes.
  25. After 5 minutes serve warm with dollop of whipped cream or wait 30 minutes until cool enough to refrigerate.
  26. Refrigerate for 2 hours minimum and serve cold with whipped cream.