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Peach Schnapps Cake Recipe
by Cathy Wiechert

There comes a time when you just need to make an easy, tasty dessert without caring about the transfats or the hydrogenated oils (aren’t they the same thing?). So why am I reluctant to post my little indiscretion? I’m not sure. Maybe it’s because I used so few ingredients and they were all packaged goods. Maybe it’s because my husband was diagnosed with skyrocketing triglycerides (I brought this to work before he could have any). Maybe it’s because I’ve packed on more than a few pounds in the last couple of years and I almost ate this up myself. At any rate, I made it because an old recipe (I don’t even remember where I got it) was staring me in the face, it sounded good, and I had all the ingredients. So there. And yes, I even made the topping with a package of Dream Whip. Sue me.

Even my orange juice had peach in it. This was meant to be.

Peach Schnapps Cake



1 box French vanilla cake mix (I just used yellow cake mix--on sale for a buck!)


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and flour a 10" Bundt pan.

For the cake, combine cake mix, eggs, orange juice, peach schnapps and oil in a large bowl. Beat at medium speed for 4 minutes. Pour into pan. Bake for 45 to 50 minutes or until tested done. Cool 10 minutes. Invert onto serving plate.

For the glaze, combine peach preserves and peach schnapps in small bowl. Brush glaze on warm cake.

For optional topping, combine the Cool Whip with the peach schnapps. Spoon onto cake slices when served.