This is a print preview of "Pasta with Ground Beef, Zucchini and Cherry Tomatoes; death throes of a garden" recipe.

Pasta with Ground Beef, Zucchini and Cherry Tomatoes; death throes of a garden Recipe
by Katie Zeller

I have always had a hard time letting go of things.

I still have some of my college textbooks.

I still have a heavy winter coat, suitable for Minnesota, that I haven't worn since I left Minnesota.... 14 years ago.

Right now I'm having a hard time letting go of my garden.

It's the middle of September. This is when vegetable gardens die off.

I have thrown almost as many zucchini on the compost pile as we've eaten.

And we've eaten lots of them, in more ways than I ever thought possible.

The cherry tomatoes? I pick every ripe tomato I can find every night and every morning there are twice as many staring at me.

My freezer is full to bursting.

And yet, I can't seem to let go.

The plants all look pathetic, dry, brown leaves..... They're almost dead, but....

There are new blossoms on the cherry tomatoes.

There are 1 or 2 new zucchini starting to grow.

So, once again, I find myself out watering the garden, wondering whether I should hoe one more time.

I should just pull it all up and add it to the compost.

I should.... But I won't.

I did manage to use a bit in a pasta dish this week so I'll send it over to Abby, of Eat the Right Stuff for Presto Pasta Nights.

She'll have the round-up on Friday of pastas from around the world.

Cook pasta according to package instructions.

Roughly chop onion and zucchini. Mince garlic. Cut tomatoes in half.

Heat oil in large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add paprika, onion and sauté 5 minutes. Add zucchini, garlic and sauté 5 minutes longer. Remove and keep warm.

Add ground beef and brown, breaking it up as it cooks. Return vegetables to skillet, add cherry tomatoes, stock and herbs. Cover and heat through. Add drained pasta, stir to combine and serve.

I just can't seem to stop.... zucchini, cherry tomatoes....

I dream about them.

Help.... please