This is a print preview of "Paella a la valenciana" recipe.

Paella a la valenciana Recipe
by Frank Fariello

Paella a la valenciana

If you're like me, you may have thought that paella a la valenciana was made with a mixture of chicken and seafood and perhaps a bit of Spanish chorizo, onions, red peppers and peas for color. Well, as it turns out, the real paella a la valenciana is quite a different animal.

I recently tried out a recipe that I found on According to this (and a number of other recipes I found in Spanish across the net) the real thing uses chicken, but no seafood, chorizo, onions, red peppers or peas. The recipe, which is quite easy but involves a number of steps, goes as follows:

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Prep time: Spain Spanish
Cook time: Servings: 6


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  1. Click on link below for recipe and directions