This is a print preview of "Mushroom and Rice Soup with Maple Syrup..." recipe.

Mushroom and Rice Soup with Maple Syrup... Recipe
by Nan Slaughter

There are few things in life as comforting as a steamy, hot bowl of soup. Living in the Northwest, in the rain and cold, has made comfort food a necessity for me - without it I'd go postal and end up in a three-way with Ben and Jerry every night - their Cherry Garcia Ice Cream can comfort any savage beast! When I read this recipe, I knew I had to make it, because not only am I a mushroom soup freak, I have a slight weakness for maple syrup, and the thought of combining my two great loves was definitely intriguing.

But where are my manners?! This being Valentine's Eve, I feel the need to direct your attention once again to My Favorite Valentine's a collection I'm quite proud of! Among other delicious treats, you'll find the recipes for Chocolate Truffles and Creamy Bon-Bons...I had the girls over last week to make those two desserts and it was epic in the amount of candy that was made - over 200 truffles and over 250 bon-bons! Each girl took a box of candy home for her family and we filled boxes of candy to deliver to our older lady was definitely a win/win kind of night!

Okay, back to the soup...if you haven't discovered Lundberg's Rice, you should go in search of it immediately! It's so good that when I can't buy it locally I order it online, and I always order their Christmas Rice for the holidays - it's red! How festive is that?!? Plus it's dang good. So for this soup I used Lundberg's Wild Blend Rice, which helps ratchet this soup up to the top of the list. Ratchet, it's my new favorite word.

After the shallots, and mushrooms are cooked to perfection, and after the half-and-half is stirred in, then the maple syrup is's so had me wondering what else I could add maple syrup to?!? Look, you can't go wrong with mushrooms and cream, that's a given, but adding maple syrup puts this into another realm...there's not so much as to be the dominant flavor but just enough to have you eat from the spoon twice...which you should never do...Emily Post says we're supposed to eat whatever is on our fork or spoon all at once and not nibble or sip at it...but this soup defies Mrs. Post. It's not ordinary or run-of-the-mill, it's different, rebellious and will beg you to eat it sip by do, and make a double'll thank me.

In a 4-quart saucepan, bring stock. rice and shallots to a boil over medium-high heat. Cover and cook, stirring occasionally, for 40 minutes. In a small bowl, whisk half-and-half, flour, thyme, and pepper; whisk into soup. Add mushrooms and cook, stirring, until soup thickens, about 15 minutes. Stir in maple syrup, salt and pepper. Serves 4. Garnish with chives.

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