This is a print preview of "More Kuzhambu with Vendaikkai" recipe.

More Kuzhambu with Vendaikkai Recipe
by Aruna Manikandan

More Kuzhambu

For this Kuzhambu you need

For Grinding

Soak Coriander, Cumin , green chillies , ginger in water for about 20 mins.

Grind them along with the coconut to a smooth paste.


Take curd in a bowl . Add turmeric powder, salt and little curry leaves.

If the curd is too thick add water and keep it aside.

Wash and chop the ladies finger (long pieces)

Heat oil in a pan. Add the chopped onions and the ladies finger . Saute them well.

When the ladies finger is well cooked. Add the grinded paste and when it comes to boil , add the curd to it.

To prevent the curd from curdling switch off the flame in 2 -5 mins.

Now heat coconut oil in a pan, add the mustard,when they stop spluttering add red chillies and curry leaves.

Add them in the kuzhambu

Vendaikkai more kuzhambu is ready to taste..................

Serve it with rice.