This is a print preview of "Moong Sprouts Dahi Chaat | Easy Sprouts Dahi Chaat | Green Gram Sprouts Curd Salad | Sprouts Chat Without Chaat Chutneys" recipe.

Moong Sprouts Dahi Chaat | Easy Sprouts Dahi Chaat | Green Gram Sprouts Curd Salad | Sprouts Chat Without Chaat Chutneys Recipe
by Divya Pramil

Here is a simple to make healthy chaat recipe (A flavorful Indian Snack) without the essential chaat chutneys. Now, I know this sounds weird, as there cannot be a chaat recipe without those flavorful chutneys, but I promise this tastes too good and similar to the dahi chaat recipes, after trying you will definitely agree with me. Its obvious that we South Indians do not always stock up chaat chutneys or the needed essentials in our kitchen pantries, but still we do tend to crave for it many times. It is not possible to immediately prepare it too, as it needs a lot of ingredients and consumes more time. So here is a simple chaat recipe for those who crave for some instant home-made chaat recipes and for the ones who do not have the chaat essentials. I love dahi chaats, and infact I do not store up chaat chutneys often too, at such times, I prepare a simple chaat at home to satisfy my taste buds for the moment. I do not use chaat chutneys like the khatta meeta chutney nor the green chutney here, not even chaat masala, nor any chaat essentials, I've just used some curd, sugar, cumin powder and omapodi and these are enough to do the magic. Here I have incorporated moong sprouts into the yummilicious chaat, and this way those who hate eating sprouts can be fooled into eating it too. Try this scrumptious easy to make chaat recipe and let me know your feedbacks.


Serves 1 person generously

Total Preparation Time - 5 minutes


Mix curd and sugar well and set aside.

Take dry bowl and add all the above said ingredients and the curd mixture and mix well.

Now add this into serving bowls, top with some omapodi, sprinkle few pinches of cumin powder and red chilli powder.

Serve immediately.

TIP 1: You can also add some mashed potatoes, some chopped coriander leaves and spice it up with chat powder and chat chutneys too, but even without the chat chutneys this will taste too good.

TIP 2: Use slightly sour curd for better taste. If your curd is not sour enough you can drizzle some lemon juice also.

TIP 3: You can use any kind of sprout for the preparation.

Tasty and healthy green gram sprouts dahi chaat is now ready!!