This is a print preview of "Lovely pair of African Grey parrots" recipe.

Lovely pair of African Grey parrots Recipe
by conyard

Lovely pair of African Grey parrots

African Grey Parrots that are ready to meet a loving family that will show them that love and concern as pet lovers that are really caring.They are DNA tested free from genetics and...

Rating: 4/5
Avg. 4/5 1 vote
Prep time: United Kingdom British
Cook time: Servings: 1

Goes Well With: lovely pair of african grey parrots


  • African Grey Parrots that are ready to meet a loving family that will show them that love and concern as pet lovers that are really caring.They are DNA tested free from genetics and...


  1. African Grey Parrots that are ready to meet a loving family that will show them that love and concern as pet lovers that are really caring.They are DNA tested free from genetics and...