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Let's Eat The Alphabet! Recipe
by Turnips2Tangerines

Let's Eat The Alphabet!

Eating the Alphabet Healthy Recipe Challenge~ This month our letters are E-F~

This month we'll again feature fruit, vegetable, bean or grain ingredients starting with the letters E-F. To share and collect new recipe ideas with each other and our readers that features fruits, vegetables, grains or legumes starting with different letters of the alphabet each month. This is a time to get creative and try a new ingredient you're not familiar with or perhaps share a family favorite that you know is a winner! Savory, sweet or in between....that's up to you!

For more information on this fun challenge stop by and visit Brenda at Meal Planning Magic

For this months challenge, I decided on, drum roll please......Elephant Garlic!! I have never used Elephant Garlic before and I am so glad I did!! Elephant Garlic is absolutely Wonderful and Delicious!! The huge bulb cost, $3.49 and was worth every penny! I don't think I will go back to regular garlic. Elephant garlic is sweeter and milder, so the flavor is subtle...which I really liked. I stored the left over garlic, from the pizza crust recipe, in a 1/2 cup plastic container and I added a few drops of olive oil, then I will store it in the refrigerator until next time:)

Place bulb, root side down on cookie sheet or medium piece of heavy duty tin foil.

Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt.

Roast garlic for 30-45 mins.

Remove from oven, let cool.

Place soften garlic cloves in a bowl and mash with the back of a spoon.

Make Pizza Crust:

Preheat oven to 425

Combine 1 cup flour, undissolved yeast, sugar and salt in a large bowl. Add water and oil. Mix until well blended; about 1 minute.

Add gradually, enough remaining flour until soft dough ball is formed. Dough will be sticky. Add 1-2 T. mashed elephant garlic.

Knead on a floured surface adding additional flour if needed, until smooth and elastic; about 4 minutes. With floured hands, pat dough out to fill greased pizza pan, or roll dough to a 12-inch circle and transfer to a greased pizza pan.

Top as desired with pizza sauce, toppings and cheese.

Bake on bottom oven rack for 12-15 minutes until cheese is bubbly and crust is browned.