This is a print preview of "Lasagna and Marinara With Kelp Noodles" recipe.

Lasagna and Marinara With Kelp Noodles Recipe
by Rawfully Tempting

This is great for a rainy, raw night. It's comforting, warming and satisfying and a meal you could easily serve to your SAD friends. While there are several parts that make up this dish, it can be prepared rather quickly with a little practice. The best part, there are plenty of leftovers for tomorrow night!!

This is my version adapted from this awesome recipe by Russell James. I also cut his recipe in half as it's a large quantity.


serves 4

Place all ingredients in a bowl and massage into spinach leaves Let marinade and wilt for 1 hour or longer.

(putting the covered bowl in a dehydrator will help this process).

Crumbled Sausage Topping

These are optional, and should ideally be made in advance. This is one of my favorite toppings for pizza and other Italian food. I always keep a batch in the freezer and it holds up well.

2 medjool dates, pitted and chopped

1/2 tsp fennel seed

1 cup walnuts

pinch of cayenne

Dash of crushed red pepper

1/4 tsp each, salt, pepper, oregano, basil

Process the walnuts until well chopped. Add dates, fennel, basil, oregano, salt and peppers, and process until it begins to come together, but still has texture.

Roll into small balls and dehydrate at 110 degrees 6-8 hours. (or crumble and use as is)

For the assembly

2 medium zucchini cut lengthwise into thin strips using a peeler or mandolin. Marinate in 1tsp of salt and 1 - 2 Tbsp olive oil for 10 minutes. Add a pinch of black pepper

Assembly method:

Line the base of your dish with a layer of the zucchini strips that slightly overlap.

Add a layer of walnut meat, then cheese, marinara sauce, and finally the pesto on top. Add another layer of overlapping zucchini strips.

(I find using a small offset spatula REALLY helps. The walnut meat is thick and hard to spread, as is the cheese. The offset spatula really spread the food nicely.)

Add another layer of walnut meat, cheese, marinara sauce, and pesto. Top with a layer of wilted spinach or arugula and one more layer of zucchini. Top with marinara sauce and sprinkle with sausage crumbs if you are using them.

I dehydrate the lasagna at 105 degrees for 1 hour or if you like it warm, place in a preheated LOW oven for bout 5 - 7 minutes. It won't get hot, but it does feel good when it's a little warm to the touch.

Russel suggests placing the whole dish in the fridge for several hours to firm it up making it easier to cut into portions.

Garnish individual portions with black pepper and a sprig of basil and serve with kelp noodles and marinara sauce.

Note: To soften kelp noodles, rinse and drain in a colander and then soak in warm water and lemon juice for at least 1 hour. Rinse and drain. I like to warm the marinara in the dehydrator or very quickly warm on the stove, stirring constantly, just to take the chill off. YUMMM!

Here is the lasagna after it came out of the dehydrator: