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Jade Fried Rice Recipe
by Anncoo


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A great way to use up your leftover ~ carrot, ham and spinach to make this healthy fried rice. You can also add some sweet corn into it to add extra colour to make your kids to enjoy this meal.

Jade Fried Rice

Ingredients: (serves 3)


Wash spinach until clean, blanch in boiling water quickly until soften, dish out and soak in cold water, strain excessive water and cut finely.

Put in blender together with eggs to blend to paste, pour out and set aside.

Heat oil in wok, saute onions until fragrant, add in diced ham and stir fry until well mixed.

Combine cooked rice with spinach paste together with ham and onion, mix well with soya sauce.

Make sure the wok is very hot, add enough oil then pour in the rice mixture, stir fry continuously with medium heat until rice turn fluffy, dry and fragrant, off heat.

Serve fried rice immediately.
