This is a print preview of "Honey Pecan Cream Cheese Crescents" recipe.

Honey Pecan Cream Cheese Crescents Recipe
by CookingLib

Mid-year, 2002....

I was a newly married military spouse. I was new to this lifestyle, new to that particular military base, and had received my very first invitation to a baby shower for another fellow spouse.

There were two things I took away from that shower.

Almost everyone in attendance had children except for me. As soon as the other mothers found out I was child-less, the comments came flying out of their mouths...."you don't want to have children right now"...."waiting to have children is such a good idea. I wish my husband and I would have done that"......"you are lucky, keep it that way." It seemed not one single person had anything good to say about having children and being a military family.

Listening to their stories about life with little ones and being far away from home scared me to the core. I took their advice to heart and waited 4 more years to have our first child. Looking back on it, I know I shouldn't have let their opinions rule my thoughts, however, I was so naive back then that I listened to every single piece of advice that anyone had to give me. I was young and we all know what that can be like at times.

Not only did I leave the shower with that advice drilled in my head, I also left with this recipe...sort of. Before I walked out the door to head home, I asked the soon-to-be mother for the recipe for these crescents. Her response? "I got it out of Kraft's Family and Food Magazine." I was so thrilled that she told me and was anticipating her to copy it onto a sheet of paper, but she never did :(

It took some time to find it, but I eventually came across it on the Kraft website.

Ever since then, these crescents have become a family favorite. Every time I make them, it takes me back to a time when I was a young military bride, listening to everyone else's stories.

Now, I'm the one who finds herself telling my stories to younger military spouses.

Gotta love the circle of life ;)

Honey Pecan Cream Cheese Crescents

(serves 8)



1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

2. Combine cream cheese, 2 tbsp. of honey, and pecans. Stir until well mixed.

3. Open up the package of crescent rolls. Roll out each roll and spread 1 tbsp. of the cream cheese mix onto each of them. Roll up each roll then shape into crescent shapes.

4. Place the rolls onto an ungreased baking sheet. Sprinkle each with a dash of ground cinnamon.

5. Bake 12 to 14 minutes or until golden brown. Drizzle each roll with remaining tablespoon of honey. Sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired.

***Libby's Notes: Instead of pecans, use almonds.

Recipe Source: From a fellow military spouse and Original recipe found HERE.