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Greek yogurt and fruit-topped single serving oatmeal pancake Recipe
by Brandi

I can’t believe I haven’t really shared these pancakes before. I love them! They’re one of my very favorite breakfasts for a few reasons:

They are super easy

You can prep them the night before and they only take a few minutes to cook

They’re so healthy!

I can top them with just about anything.

I’ve gone sweet with these and savory. If you’ve never had an over easy egg on your pancakes with some maple syrup….you are seriously missing out. Or eggs with salsa and avocado on pancakes? Yum. I know it sounds crazy, but don’t knock ‘til you try it.

These pancakes are oat-based and it’s a single serving recipe, so it’s perfect for weekday mornings or weekends when you don’t want to make a huge batch of them at one time. I do like having extras to freeze, but there are days when I don’t want to stand over the skillet for 30 minutes flipping pancakes.

This recipe is for those days. Lazy days. Every day?

And the best thing – you only need 3 ingredients for the pancake itself (3!) and then you’re kind of required to have greek yogurt for topping (my favorite on these), plus fruit or peanut butter or nutella or whatever floats your boat that morning.

I topped this one with some plain Stonyfield greek yogurt, raspberries, and figs (best. combo. ever), and a drizzle of honey.

Single Serving Oatmeal Pancake

Ready for your new favorite breakfast? I've got it right here. This takes minutes to make, and to save even more time, you can mix up the ingredients the night before, leaving just a few minutes of cooking time for you in the morning.



Mix the oats, egg whites, baking powder, and salt together. You can also add cinnamon, cocoa powder, vanilla, or any other spices/flavorings that you like at this point.

Let the mixture sit for a few minutes to thicken from the baking powder.

While the batter is resting, heat a skillet over medium heat. Spray with cooking oil, then pour the batter into the skillet, spreading out evenly with a spoon.

Cook over medium heat 4-6 minutes on the first side until the bottom is set and beginning to turn golden. Flip the entire pancake over with a spatula and cook another 3-4 minutes on the other side.

Slide onto plate and top with greek yogurt, fruit, nuts, peanut butter…whatever you want!

Disclaimer: I am a member of the Stonyfield Clean Plate Club. I received product for writing this post, but all opinions are my own.