This is a print preview of "Granny's Ginger Beer" recipe.

Granny's Ginger Beer Recipe
by Judy fraschia

Granny's Ginger Beer

This ginger beer is getting better with age, and can be prepared for family gatherings, festivals, or sold at fetes, etc.

Rating: 4/5
Avg. 4/5 1 vote
Prep time: South Africa South african
Cook time: Servings: 100 Cups


  • 4 gallons 20L water
  • 2,5 Kg sugar
  • 125g fresh ginger, crushed
  • 1 cup raisins, slightly crushed to release flavour
  • 2 pkts cream of tartar
  • 1 pkt tartarric acid
  • 1 tbsp instant yeast
  • 1 small bottle lemon essence


  1. Boil the first 3 ingredients in a large pot for 60 minutes, cool
  2. Add the raisins, leave until they are floating on top
  3. Add the acids and yeast
  4. Cover with a cloth and allow to stand until a foam has formed on top
  5. Using a cloth, pour the beer through it into anothe container to remove the solids, which can be discarded , used as fish lure, or feed pigs
  6. Add the lemon essence and stir well
  7. Fill clean bottles up to 3-5 cm from the top, closing with screw tops
  8. Allow to ferment in a cold place
  9. When the beer is fermenting too much, unsrew the tops to let out excessive air, and replace