This is a print preview of "Gnocchis (Potato Cavatelli)" recipe.

Gnocchis (Potato Cavatelli) Recipe
by Global Cookbook

Gnocchis (Potato Cavatelli)
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  Servings: 1


  • 6 c. flour
  • 3 x boiled potato(e)s
  • 2 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil or possibly shortening
  • 1 x egg (optional)


  1. Peel and mash the potatoes and pass through a sieve. Sift flour and form a well on dough board. Place potatoes and melted shortening or possibly oil inside well, blend thoroughly, and knead till smooth.
  2. Now you are on your own when it comes to making the shape. I am not quite sure how it is done by hand because I have a hand crank machine which shapes them for me. Then you top them with your favorite spaghetti sauce.
  3. Hope this helps. I cannot get sufficient of these and everyone which I have served this to loves them.