This is a print preview of "Gluten Free, Egg Free, Dairy Free Chocolate Brownies" recipe.

Gluten Free, Egg Free, Dairy Free Chocolate Brownies Recipe
by Shawn Christopher


Gluten Free, Egg Free, Dairy Free Chocolate Brownies

These really turned out delicious! Even I was skeptical and I created the recipe. So go ahead and doubt, but doubt and try them. I was delighted with the results and so was Shawn. These are so delicious you won't notice that they are actually kind of healthy for you. The benefits of flaxseed meal are abundant.

I generally don't plan to make recipes free of anything but gluten because Shawn has Celiac Disease, but recently I've been trying some egg replacements and dairy replacements. Partly for my own health and partly by reader requests.

If you or your gluten free loved ones do not need to replace eggs and milk in your diet, give these a try anyhow, I know you will enjoy them sans guilt.


Begin by mixing the 9 tablespoons of hot water with the 3 tablespoons of flaxseed meal and set this aside to get "goopy". This is your egg replacement.

Next mix the soymilk and the apple cider vinegar together and sit aside to come to room temperature.

Next mix all the flours, sugar, and cocoa together.

Now, in your stand mixer, mix together all the ingredients. It will take awhile to do it without raising a cloud of cocoa smoke in your kitchen. Watch it closely as the batter is sticky and will climb the beaters. Towards the end of the mixing I usually have to tilt the mixer back just a little to keep the batter from climbing up the mixers and making a complete mess.

I split the batter evenly between 2 10x7 brownie pans that I had sprayed with crisco cooking spray then floured with sweet rice flour.

Bake in a preheated oven at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Test centers with a toothpick, if it comes back clean, they are done.

Remove from pans and cool on wire racks.

These were delicious, moist and chewy. I definitely will make these quite often. I bet they would be good with a gluten free fudge frosting too!
