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Fried shrimp + Spicy guava sauce Recipe
by Alica Senhouse

My husband and I had a couple of friends over the other day for a late lunch. They are seafood lovers so I decided to make a shrimp dish for an appetizer. This is my favorite way to fry shrimp, it comes out crisp and delicate every time. The batter is light and flaky with the right amount of crunch. I hadn't made this dish in a while mainly because it tastes best when served hot and we just can't eat it all in one sitting, so it was a great option for company.

The star of this show for me is the guava sauce. I've used it as a marinade on salmon and I'm sure it would taste fantastic on an oven-roasted chicken. It's sweet, tangy, and hot all in one bite. An explosion of flavors you could say. Once cooked properly, the crispy texture from the shrimp brings it all home.

First make the guava sauce. Add all ingredients to a food processor or blender.

Pulse/blend on low until slightly smooth. There will be froth on the top. Blending the mixture creates air. This can be removed with a spoon when boiling.

Transfer to a sauce pot. Boil for about 10 minutes until the mixture has reduced about 1/4. The sauce will start to change color and become darker. You will see froth when boiling, remove the froth with a spoon.

Remove from heat once sauce is thickened with cornstarch.

I used large shrimp for this recipe. Peel and devein the shrimp. Slit the backs slightly. Season with black pepper, salt, paprika, green seasoning, and olive oil. Set aside

Set up your dredging station. In bowl #1, add cornstarch. In bowl #2, add two eggs and 3 tbsp water, beat together. Add flour and spices to bowl #3.

Batter shrimp one at a time. Coat in cornstarch. The cornstarch helps to ensure a crispy crust. In this case it also gives the egg wash something to hold onto for the next step.

Dip in egg wash.

Then coat in seasoned flour mixture. You can season the flour however you like. I added black pepper, garlic powder, curry powder, paprika and cayenne pepper. The batter will not taste like curry, it gives it a nice flavor and color. You can add some panko breadcrumbs if you like. I added just a handful.

You can coat all the shrimp and set aside or do this in batches. I like to have everything done so I can fry without stopping. You can also just coat one shrimp and fry it. Taste to see if you'd like more seasoning or salt. Adjust to taste then batter and fry the rest.

Fry until golden brown, about 3-4 minutes for large shrimp. For jumbo sized shrimp fry for 5-6 minutes.

Fried Shrimp + Spicy Guava Sauce



Make the guava sauce. Add all ingredients to a food processor or blender and pulse until smooth. Transfer to a sauce pot, boil for about 10 minutes until sauce reduces by 1/4. Remove froth with spoon. Mix cornstarch plus 1 tbsp cold water, stir into sauce until it thickens. Remove from heat and allow to cool.

Season shrimp with green seasoning, black pepper, paprika, salt, and olive oil. Set aside.

Heat oil for frying.

Arrange your dredging station. Set up three bowls. In first bowl add 1 cup cornstarch. In second bowl add egg plus water, beat. In third bowl add flour and spices, mix thoroughly. Add panko if using.

One at a time, dip shrimp in cornstarch, then egg mixture, then into seasoned flour. Batter all shrimp. Fry until golden brown just a couple of minutes.

Best served hot.


Before dredging all shrimp in batter, coat one and fry it. Taste to see if you'd like more seasoning or salt. Adjust seasoning.

When ready to fry, test oil by sprinkling a little flour over the oil. If it sizzles then it is ready.

Left over sauce can be used as a marinade for a couple of pieces of chicken or fish.