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Farm Fresh Now! Installment #11: Brussels Sprouts 101 and Brussels Sprout Leaves Sauteed in Butter Recipe
by Flora Caputo

So, sadly this week's installment doesn't excite me. I dislike indecisive vegetables, and Brussels sprouts fall into that camp like cauliflower yams or parsnips. Take cauliflower for instance. Is it broccoli? Is it cabbage? It doesn't know. Brussels sprouts don't know either. They are like mini cabbages that want to play broccoli. Yuck. However.... I did enjoy them once. My sister-n-law roasted them in the oven with bacon, then made a shallot bacon vinaigrette drizzle. Bacon makes everything better. So does farm freshness, which evidently Brussels sprouts are right now. So go get some, and make the recipe below.  And if you are unsure about them, just add some bacon. Trust me. So according to The Land Connection...Buttery Brussels Sprouts are irresistible! Brussels Sprouts The forerunners of the modern Brussels sprouts were wild cabbage-like plants with small green buds growing along the stems. They were already being cultivated in ancient Rome, but they are named after Brussels because that's where they became popular in the 13th century. Don't Overcook! Brussels sprouts may not be the first things that come to mind when you think of holiday fare, but they have had an honored place in Britain for centuries, alongside the roast goose or game. Perhaps it was the British tendency to cook vegetables to death that have given Brussels sprouts a raw deal. The solution, naturally, is to eat them raw, or very lightly sautéed. Best Fresh off the Stalk First, make sure you have the freshest sprouts possible. If you can get a freshly harvested whole stalk, with the sprouts still attached, all the better. At a local farmers market you may see these Dr. Seuss-like plants 3 to 4 feet tall, with the elegant, miniature cabbages spiraling up the stalk. Sprouts will keep well this way, and you can break the buds off the stalk as needed. For a raw Brussels sprout salad, shave the sprouts whisper-thin, and then toss with olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Or get more festive by mixing and matching with toasted nuts (pecans, walnuts, or hazelnuts), fruit (dried cranberries, fresh apples, or pears), and even cheese (shaved Parmesan, cheddar, or fresh ricotta for a creamy, slaw-like salad). Healthy and Tasty Brussels sprouts, like all of the cabbage family, are high in Vitamin C, fiber, and folate. They also contain sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol, both of which are believed to block the growth of cancer cells. But the best reason to eat them is that they taste terrific. Even former sprouts-phobes may not recognize what they are eating when you serve them this dish of  Brussels sprout leaves sautéed in butter. Brussels Sprout Leaves Sauteed in Butter Ingredients 3/4 lb Brussels sprouts  2 tablespoons butter (or olive oil)  1/4 cup chopped shallot (optional) 2 tablespoons chopped parsley or thyme (optional) salt and pepper  Instructions  Cut about 1/4 inch off the stem end of each sprout, then begin peeling leaves. When you get to the point where it's difficult to peel farther, trim off another 1/4 inch and continue removing leaves. Repeat until you have a bowl full of fluffy leaves. Place a frying pan over medium-high heat; when hot, add butter, shallots, sprout leaves, and an herb of your choice. Stir until sprout leaves are bright green and slightly wilted, about 3 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste. Toss and serve. For more information about the benefits of buying local food and a chart of what's in season when, check out our Farm Fresh Now! Infographic.  Farm Fresh Now! is a project of The Land Connection, an educational nonprofit that preserves farmland, trains new farmers, and connects people with great locally-grown foods. This series is made possible with generous support from the Illinois Department of Agriculture. Article by Terra Brockman; photo by Cara Cummings