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Elevating your dishes with #CampbellsGlutenFree Chicken Broth Recipe
by Abisaac Saraga

So Campbell's Canada approached me this month to enter a bloggers contest. The challenge was, use their Campbell’s No Salt Added Vegetable Broth in an original recipe. They provided me with the broth, and even a $25 gift card to buy the product for a recipe. I thought "Nothing to lose here!". What I lost is time trying to think of what to make! I didn't just want to use the broth to make a soup.

So I thought, okay, lets think of some good cooking tips to help elevate some dishes. Broths are good to infuse flavour into some dishes that you might have not thought.

Tip #1: Elevate your roasted potatoes with some vegetable broth

Try this quick recipe:



Heat oven to 400 degrees

Peel and cut potatoes into about 1.5 inch squares

Run through water to remove starch (A tip we learned from Rachel Ray)

Toss in olive oil, italian seasoning and lemon juice

Place on non-stick roasting pan

pour vegetable broth on bottom of pan to cover

Roast in oven for 30 minutes or until golden brown. Turn half way through

Season with some salt and pepper to taste.

Boom you turned some plain roasted potatoes into an amazing side dish with tonnes of flavour.

Tip #2: Thin out your pasta sauce with a little broth

Is your pasta sauce too thick? Don't think it out with water. That will dilute the flavour. Thin it out with a vegetable broth that will also infuse some delicious flavours.

Here is a baked pasta Amanda made that she used the Campbell’s No Salt Added Vegetable Broth to thin out the sauce a little and infuse some flavour into the vegetables she added.

Tip #3: Infuse some flavour into your rice

A gluten free diet often means a lot of rice and potato side dishes. And you need to get as much flavour out of those ingredients as you can. Luckily, those ingredients are good at absorbing flavouring. Why not cook your rice in the Campbell’s No Salt Added Vegetable Broth? Let it soak up the flavours of the broth to enhance the flavour instead of just having a plain rice.

Let us know what some of your tips are to elevate some simple dishes with a broth.