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Drumstick Cutlet Recipe
by Praveen Kumar

A simple and tasty cutlet with drumstick.


Drumsticks – 3, chopped


1. Boil the potatoes, peel and mash well.

2. Grind the ginger and green chillies to a fine paste.

3. Pressure cook the drumsticks and scrape the flesh to a bowl.

4. Add mashed potatoes, 1 tsp ginger green chilli paste, breadcrumbs, coriander leaves and salt.

5. Mix well.

6. Make small balls and flattem them to a cutlet.

7. Heat oil in a nonstick pan.

8. Fry the prepared cutlets on both sides until golden brown and crispy.

9. Remove and drain excess oil.

10. Serve with mint chutney or ketchup.

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