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Crock-Pot mushroom stroganoff (Crock-Pot giveaway!) Recipe
by Becca @ Amuse Your Bouche

I’ve been meaning to remake this Crock-Pot mushroom stroganoff recipe for ages – I originally posted it waaaay back in March 2012, and the photos were in dire need of an update (if you really must see it, it’s here… don’t judge me, I didn’t know any better). It’s actually been a really popular recipe on the blog (I guess you guys like minimal effort recipes as much as I do!), so I thought it deserved a refresher!

This is the perfect time to repost this recipe, since Crock-Pot themselves have named this month ‘Crocktober’ (geddit?). The timing is just ideal – when better to turn to hearty, slow cooked stews and casseroles than autumn, when the weather is becoming more depressing by the day and I just want to curl up in a ball (hence all the comfort food lately…).

Mushroom stroganoff is one of my favourite dishes – mostly because it’s packed with my favourite spice ever, smoked paprika (related story: I dropped a jar of smoked paprika in my kitchen the other day and it smashed all over the floor. I was very upset to have wasted such an amazing spice, but at least my kitchen now smells amazing).

This Crock-Pot mushroom stroganoff is rich and creamy, and it goes amazingly well with whatever carb you want to serve it with – pasta, quinoa, bulgur, whatever. My favourite is rice, especially white rice (even though I usually prefer brown rice) – the juices soak right into it and it gets so full of flavour. Love it! Here I actually used a mixture of white rice and wild rice, purely because I think it looks prettier.

To celebrate Crocktober, I made my mushroom stroganoff in this gorgeous little digital number – the digital display makes it really easy to see how much cooking time is left, and the fact that there are only four buttons make it really easy to use, even for a dunce like me. When your food’s finished cooking, the machine automatically clicks over to ‘keep warm’ mode, so it doesn’t even matter if you’re not quite ready to eat yet.

Now, Crocktober wouldn’t be much of a celebration if it was just me at the party (wow, sudden flashback to a childhood birthday…), so the lovely people at Crock-Pot are kindly allowing me to give away not one, but two of these digital Crock-Pots to you guys – so you have twice the chance of winning!

And if that wasn’t enough, they’re also throwing in two food warmers! I can imagine this little gadget would be handy if you work in an office (or somewhere similar!) – fill it with your pre-cooked meal, plug it in when you get to work, and by lunchtime you’ve got steaming hot stew / soup / casserole / whatever tickles your fancy.

(if you’re not sure how to use Rafflecopter, just check out this video!)

EDIT: This giveaway has now ended and the winners have been notified. Thanks to all who entered!

Crock-Pot mushroom stroganoff (giveaway!) Total time 4 hours 5 mins Author: Becca @ Amuse Your Bouche Recipe type: Main meal Yield: 2 Ingredients

600g mushrooms, diced (I left any very small ones whole, and halved or quartered larger ones) 3 cloves garlic, minced 1 onion, halved then thinly sliced 250ml (~1 cup) vegetable stock 2tsp smoked paprika 1tbsp (heaped) sour cream Salt Black pepper 4tbsp fresh parsley, chopped Instructions

Add the first five ingredients to a slow cooker, and mix well. Cook on high for 4 hours. After 4 hours, stir in the sour cream, and season to taste. Serve with a carb of your choice, topped with plenty of fresh parsley. 3.2.2807