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Crispy Fish Fry Recipe
by Karthikeyan

Crispy Fish Fry

This fish fry is derived from Malabar (India) cuisine. A simple modification made it more crispier and tastier to eat.

Rating: 4/5
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Prep time: India South indian
Cook time: Servings: 4

Goes Well With: chicken biryani, Lamb Biryani, chicken fried rice, egg fried rice


  • Seer Fish cut into thin slices -1/2 Kg
  • Lemon - 1
  • Chilly Powder -1 tablespoon
  • Coriander Powder - 1 tablespoon
  • Fennel seed - 1 spoon
  • lavang/cloves -2
  • Cinnamon -1 small piece
  • garlic pods - 7
  • whole wheat powder - 1 table spoon
  • Salt - to taste


  1. Wash the fish and marinate the fish with lemon juice
  2. Grind chilly, coriander, fennel, cloves, garlic, cinnamon with little water and add the salt.
  3. Mix the above paste and again marinate the fish again for 30min
  4. Now sprinkle the Wheat powder over the marinated fish and mix them. Add little water if the batter is too dry. Or-else leave them as it is.
  5. Now, heat a pan and add refined oil. Dip the fish pieces one by one and deep fry. Also don't crowd the fish pieces while frying.