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Cream Cheese Pound Cake W/Blueberry Jam Galze ~ #Bundtamonth Recipe
by Sandra

When our hostesses Anuradha and Lora came up with the theme for this month I didn’t have to give too much thought about the cake I would make. Mr. Sweets loves blueberry jam and will only eat the brand that our meat market sells. Since he began eating it years ago he has said I should make a cake with it. I made a yellow layer cake with it and it was pretty good. Seeing as how I have a holiday to-do list for him that is very long I thought using his favorite jam would be a good idea.

I tried to think to of clever and creative ways to incorporate the jam into the cake and it was giving me a headache. The Mr wouldn’t want some jam cake hybrid. I would give him plain cake with jam and call it a day. Not just any plain cake, It had to be able to hold it’s own with the blueberry jam. Enter my tried and true Cream Cheese Pound Cake. It has served me well over the years. In the past when I’ve made it I did my best to lighten it up by not using as much sugar and reduced fat cream cheese. This baby is full of fat and sugar so a lil dab will do ya.

· Simple rule: Bake us a bundt using your favorite jam

· Post it before November 30, 2013

· Use the #BundtaMonth hashtag in your title. (For ex: title could read – #BundtaMonth: Raspberry Jam Bundt with Peanut Butter Glaze

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