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Clean Eating Waffle Cones Recipe
by Tiffany @ The Gracious Pantry

Warning. This recipe could be hazardous to a grumpy mood. And maybe even your eating plan if you overdo it. But everyone needs a treat on occasion, and these are definitely clean!

Waffle cones are the epitome of childhood. I don’t know any kids who haven’t had one and I certainly remember them being any amazing treat when I was lucky enough to get one as a child.

It seems that just when you thought your favorite ice cream couldn’t taste any better, here comes a waffle cone! I mean, there’s just something about them that makes anything you put in them taste better. Even ice cream, and that’s a tough act to follow, especially for a kid.

Being that I’m a clean eater and all, I do my best to make sure that Mini Chef eats clean when he’s with me. But like any parent, I love to occasionally give him a treat. It’s just so much fun to watch his little face light up. His eyes glimmer, he becomes very alert to what I’m doing in the kitchen, and he becomes so curious about what I’m making for him that he can’t help but stick his little fingers into things to give them a try.

With raw egg, I didn’t want to let him taste the batter on this. But boy did he dive in when it was finished! He ate an entire, empty waffle cone, and then wanted another with something in it. I don’t keep ice cream in the house, so I resorted to fruit with a bit of chocolate and nuts over the top. I can tell you that the ice cream was not missed. In fact, he thought he was getting the most special treat ever and the majority of it was fruit! So both of us were pretty happy that afternoon.

You can fill these with almost anything too. Another idea would be to fill these with my Caramel Popcorn recipe, Kettle Corn or some Banana Ice Cream in your favorite flavor. The possibilities are pretty endless! But any way you fill them, they are a wonderful treat for kids of all ages and just about any time of year.

Clean Eating Waffle Cones



In a mixing bowl, combine the egg, egg white and salt. Whisk lightly to mix up the egg a bit.

Whisk or blend in the sugar. Note that the sucanat does not resolve well, but do the best you can.

Add the flour and mix well, being sure to get rid of any lumps.

Then slowly whisk in the coconut oil.

On your heated and oiled waffle cone iron, spread 3 tbsp. of batter over the iron and close the lid up tight. I found it was best to pour the batter right onto the center and let the iron distribute it evenly.

When the waffle is done, transfer to a heat-safe surface (they will be hot!!!) and roll the waffle up with the cone form. Let the waffle cool for a few minutes on the form, seam side down while you start the next waffle on the waffle maker.

Storage: These do not have a long shelf-life. But I found the best way to store them was to simply keep them in the fridge in a gallon-sized ziplock bag.

Number of servings (yield): 7

Nutritional Content:

(Data is for 1 cone)

Calories: 80

Total Fat: 5 gm

Saturated Fats: 4 gm

Trans Fats: 0 gm

Cholesterol: 30 mg

Sodium: 48 mg

Carbohydrates: 8 gm

Dietary fiber: 1 gm

Sugars: 3 gm

Protein: 2 gm

Please Note: Nutritional information estimated at Data may not be accurate and is subject to the availability of specific foods in their database. Where one ingredient is not listed, substitutions must be used. Therefore, you should not refer to this data as being exact. It’s more of a ballpark figure. The Gracious Pantry does not take responsibility for the inadequacies of the nutrition calculator used. This data is provided as a courtesy and general reference only. It is not exact.