This is a print preview of "Clean Eating Apples And Greens" recipe.

Clean Eating Apples And Greens Recipe
by Tiffany @ The Gracious Pantry

I admit it. I struggle with ways to make green interesting. They have very particular flavors, and to my mind, it’s hard to diversify when their flavors are so specific.

But I think I did pretty well with this one. Something about this recipe was just screaming for bacon, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do that. So if you have some clean bacon at home, consider adding it to this as a topping. Otherwise, this is a pretty tasty dish all on it’s own.

It would pair well with some chicken or fish. And if you include grains in your clean eating plan, I would try some quinoa or brown rice. But really, just this and some meat would make a fabulous meal.


Clean Eating Apples and Greens



Saute the garlic in the oil until just slightly golden.

Add in the apples and greens.

Cook until the greens are completely wilted and some of the apple pieces start to brown.

When the oil cooks off, add the apple juice, a little at a time until you are done cooking.

Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Sprinkle pumpkin seeds over the top if using and serve.

Please Note: Nutritional information not available for this recipe.