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Chick'n Pot Pie...on the Fly! Recipe
by The Food Duo


Chick'n Pot Pie...on the Fly!

You like pot pie, just admit it! You enjoyed them in your

meat eating days and you enjoy vegans ones today, just the same if not more.

The Rodney Dangerfield of classic eats is one of the more easy and versatile

vegan meals you can make. There’s a

better than average chance that you already have more than half the ingredients

required to make one of America’s most beloved comfort foods. Go on, take a peek

in your fridge and pantry and see what you have. See, you have a lot of things

you’ll need so there’s no excuse to not try our little pie.

Because I’ve been craving one of my favorite childhood

treats of late, I decided to confer with Mac on how we could make a hearty and

savory vegan version of the pot pie. Ironically Mac has never eaten pot pie

before, but due to her innate baking prowess and proven track record, I had

faith in her judgment. Once we decided

on what was to go into the pie, we stopped at the store and picked up a few

things including an excellent frozen vegan pie crust made by Wholly Wholesome.

If you have the time to make one from scratch by all means do so; we opted for

frozen due to time constraints. The combination of ingredients for your filling

is entirely up to you. You can pick and

choose what you wish and don’t be afraid to experiment. As far as the veggies

go, our rule is simple: fresh is best,

frozen is fine, canned is not recommended.

Well, our pie ended up surpassing our expectations. My concern

that the filling could end up dry was quelled the minute I bit into and tasted

the aromatic mishmash. The crust was flaky and the pie was rich and very

satisfying. The veggie stock and spices brought the vegetables to life –

especially the fresh corn- and the Gardein Chick’n Scaloppini leant the pie

some authenticity.

So, gather up the ingredients and start baking. Show your

family and friends that vegan pot pies are even better than the ones made with

meat. And finally, we want to repeat the mantra, “I like pot pie, I like pot

pie, I like pot pie.” See, that wasn’t so bad!

Our Chick'n Pot Pie

Source: Macaroon with Too Much Pumpkin Puree

Serves 6-8


1 9-in double crust recipe


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Prepare the bottom crust in a pie dish, and prick dough with a fork across the crust

Par-bake for 10-15 minutes. (If you have pie weights, we recommend using them). Remove from oven and set aside to cool slightly

In a saucepan, heat olive oil. When hot, add roasted garlic and chopped onions. Sautee until onions become translucent

Add diced carrots, chick'n, corn and peas. Cook for approximately 5 minutes until carrots become slightly tender

Pour in vegetable broth, stirring the mixture. Stir in flour, miso and creamer.

Bring mixture to a boil. Add spices. Lower heat and simmer for 30-40 minutes

Remove from heat. The mixture should be thickened. Allow to cool slightly.

Pour mixture into pie dish. Cover with the top crust. Prick top with a fork before brushing it lightly with olive oil

Bake pie for approximately 40-45 minutes