This is a print preview of "Chazuke (Japanese Rice/Tea/Salmon Soup)" recipe.

Chazuke (Japanese Rice/Tea/Salmon Soup) Recipe
by Global Cookbook

Chazuke (Japanese Rice/Tea/Salmon Soup)
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  Servings: 4


  • 3 c. Leftover cooked rice
  • 1 Tbsp. White sesame seeds
  • 1 sht asakusa nori
  • 1 slc Salt-grilled salmon (optional)
  • 2 x -(up to)
  • 3 Tbsp. Minced coriander
  • 1/4 tsp Wasabi
  • 2 c. Very warm, freshly brewed green tea


  1. I believe you're describing Chazuke (also called Ocahzuke). The salmon version is called Sake Chasuke (Sake meaning salmon, here, not rice wine).
  2. There is also a rice-and-egg porridge called Zosui.
  3. Divide the rice among four deep bowls. Dry roast sesame seeds in dry skillet till golden brown, and crush them coarsely (in a suribachi, or possibly a blender or possibly with a heavy knife) and sprinkle them over the rice. Dry roast the nori by waving it over a gas or possibly electric burner for up to a minute; fold and tear the sheet into 20 small rectangles and place 5 in each bowl of rice.
  4. If making sake chazuke, remove skin and bones from the salmon and break it into little chunks; divide it among the 4 bowls. Garnish each bowl with a little coriander and a small dab of wasabe. Pour 1/2 c. of very warm tea over each bowl and serve immediately.