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Caribbean Saltfish (Salted Codfish) Dinner Recipe
by Marie Phillips

Caribbean Saltfish (Salted Codfish) Dinner

My saltfish dinner is paired with american sweet potato, dasheen, and sauteed Kale.

Saltfish is basic meal that is prepared in the Caribbean. In Jamaica the dish is generally paired with ackee and boiled green banana or fried bread fruit.

In Caribbean stores the fish is sold with the bones in it. you can buy deboned fillet codfish in shoprite or similar.

Also saltfish has to be soaked overnight and boiled to get rid of some of the salt or it would be inedible.

Dasheen or Dashin is sold in caribbean stores ( a starch ground root), I don't know technical name. you can use yam or potato also.

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  Central american
Cook time: Servings: 1


  • 1- 1.5 lb of saltfish/codfish
  • 1 dasheen
  • 1 american sweet potato ( orange colored one, in Jamaica we havea sweet white/greyish when cooked potatoe)
  • 2 heads of Kale
  • 2 cooking onions
  • 3 plum tomatoes
  • 3 scallions
  • garlic ( lots of cloves)
  • peppar
  • 1-2 sprig of dried thyme
  • 3 -5 allspice balls
  • salt ( if fish is not salted)


  1. Fish
  2. if Salt fish, the fish has to be soaked in water over night and boil the fish in the water for 15 minutet. You can test the saltyness, but tasting a piece fo the fish to your liking. Consider the addition of the veggies and the side dishes also to balance taste
  3. heat olive oil or vegetable oil in pan ( with a cover). Add garlic 3-7 cloves, saute till brown.
  4. Cut up tomatoes, onions, scallions and put in pan,
  5. Add fish to pan, stirring with vegetable till cooked.
  6. add pepper, thyme, allspice
  7. cook till The fish breaks apart easily and vegetable are cooked yet a little tender
  8. Kale -
  9. Wash the Kale and then cut it up
  10. Put in a sauteeing pan, with hot oil. When oil is hot add the Kale
  11. Cut up 1 onion and a couple garlic cloves, depending on how garlic taste you want and put in pan with kale. Add black pepper to taste.
  12. i cover the mix on a low fish , so it kind of steams/saute
  13. The kale will still be raw green , but more chewable
  14. Starches
  15. Basic boil of sweet potatoe and dasheen in water. I left the skin on. they are easier to remove after the boiling