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BBQ Chicken the best in Africa Recipe
by Peter Brown

BBQ Chicken the best in Africa

Otter Creek is famous for its chicken braai(BBQ), perfected over 35 years of fishing trips,Honours must go to Rupert Bellairs for this one

The secret to this braai (BBQ) is the cooking method. All the ingredients you will need are chicken pieces as much as you want to eat, we do 4 portions per person, and it's as good cold.
Pre made basting sauce: make a large quantity, as it does not go off. Refrigerate only that which has been used to baste the chicken., we make 10 litres at a time and store in bottles in a cool place.

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Prep time: South Africa South african
Cook time: Servings: 1


  • Chicken Portions as much as you wish
  • 375 ml wine Dry red or white
  • 125 ml vinegar:
  • 2 Tbs soy sauce:
  • 100 ml sunflower/Olive oil:
  • juice of 2 lemons:
  • 1 Tbs dry mustard Powder:
  • 3 cloves Garlic crushed:
  • 100 gms Aromat or a flavour powder:
  • 1 Tbs salt:
  • 1 tsp mixed herbs:
  • Mix it all together and bottle, shake it up and store ready for use.


  2. You will need a grid that is hinged,a large pan to catch the baste, a jug to hold the baste and a hot bed of coals.
  3. Place chicken in grid skin side down,
  4. place over hot coals ,
  5. when skin starts to bubble turn and do other side,
  6. when this side starts to bubble place grid over tray, bubbling side up and pour the well stirred baste over meat,
  7. place meat back over coals unbasted side down ,
  8. REPEAT frequently adjusting heat so chicken does not burn, Cooking time approx. 40 mins ,baste +- every 8 mins
  9. The best method is to hold the hinged grid with chicken over a large stainless/ Aluminum tray to catch the baste, after each baste return baste to pouring jug to repeat