This is a print preview of "Barbecue Pulled Pork Pizza" recipe.

Barbecue Pulled Pork Pizza Recipe
by Confections of a Foodie Bride

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.

You make a gigantic, 5+ pound pork roast in the crockpot. While it’s cooking away all day, you wished you had a real job. Because the smell is killer. But the timer on the front of the crockpot says you’ll end up in the ER for a week if you even think about it. With a house of 2 Bigs and a Little, you dream of the upcoming hectic days that happily end with zero cooking and melt-in-your-mouth pulled pork sandwiches.

And after 2 days, you find yourself teetering on the verge of Googling “What else can I do with leftover pulled pork besides make another freaking sandwich. Oh, and it should be a little fun. And did I mention I’m sick of sandwiches?”

Enter the trusty pizza crust.

We took our favorite pizza crust recipe, smeared it with our favorite barbecue sauce (Rudy’s!), topped it with with some green and red onions, leftover pulled pork, and cheese.

And then we baked it.

And ate it.

And then we made it again the next night. And then a third night to completely kill the leftovers.

Because we get tired of pulled pork sandwiches a lot easier than we get tired of pizza.

Breathe new life into leftover pulled pork with your favorite pizza crust, barbecue sauce, and red onions.


Your favorite pizza dough (or mine), ready to stretch and bake


Place a pizza stone in the top 1/3 of your oven and heat your oven to 550 (500 if your oven doesn't go that high), letting it hold at temperature for at least 30 minutes. (If you're not using a pizza stone, just have your baking sheet nearby.)

Dust a pizza peel or your baking sheet with a light dusting of flour and a couple of generous pinches of cornmeal.

Gently stretch the pizza dough in to a 12-14 inch round or divide into 3 portions and stretch, for individual-sized pizzas.

Brush a ~1-inch border of olive oil around the edge of the pizza dough.

Spread the barbecue sauce over the crust.

Sprinkle the dough with pulled pork, followed by mozzarella, white/light green portions of the green onions, red onions, and a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese.

Transfer your pizza from the pizza peel to baking stone (or place your baking sheet in the oven).

Bake for 7-9 minutes for a single large pizza (5-7 for individual pizzas), until the dough is blistered, the edges are golden brown and crispy, and the cheese starts to brown.

Remove from oven, sprinkle with the sliced dark green onion tops, slice, and serve.


Yields: 1 large pizza or 3 individual pizzas

Source: Confections of a Foodie Bride

Estimated time: 1 hour 15 minutes