This is a print preview of "baked EGGPLANT burger patties -Turkish influence" recipe.

baked EGGPLANT burger patties -Turkish influence Recipe
by Foodessa

baked EGGPLANT burger patties -Turkish influence

Coated patties of creamy textured eggplant with robust flavours get baked. A satisfying vegetable burger was enjoyed from this crispy outer with its soft interior.

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  Italy Italian
  Servings: 12 patties


  • . 2 medium Eggplants*, peeled, cubed -- approx. 2 cups cooked
  • . 2 large eggs
  • . 2 tsps. Dijon mustard
  • . 1/2 tsp. each: granulated garlic powder, sea salt
  • . 1/4 tsp. each of dried herbs: basil, marjoram, sage, tarragon
  • . 1 cup aged Cheddar cheese, shredded, packed
  • . 1/2 cup roasted almonds, crushed
  • . 1 cup breadcrumbs or any crushed cracker -- (separated 1/2 cup + 1/2 cup for coating)
  • .
  • . * If desired, the cubed eggplant can be salted for about 30 minutes to rid it of its slight bitterness. Optional: roasting of the eggplant enhances flavour.


  1. . Prepare a steamer to receive the peeled and cubed eggplant. Once steamed to fork tender (about 10 minutes) let it rest to cool to room temperature. Then, place the eggplant in a fine sieve to squash lightly and extract any remaining water.
  2. . In a medium bowl, beat together the eggs as well as the Dijon and all seasoning. Add the cooked eggplant and lightly mash it together with this egg mix.
  3. . Finish by adding the cheese, nuts and only the 1/2 cup of breadcrumbs. Mix completely. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for a minimum of 30 minutes or up to two days ahead.
  4. . > ASSEMBLY and BAKING: Pre-heat the oven to 375F. Position rack to the 2nd level from the bottom. Prepare a large, parchment lined baking sheet.
  5. . With the aid of an ice-cream scoop, make patted, packed portions of mix. Release balls onto a platter. Then lightly form thick, burger patties. Note: the patties will feel quite's fine.
  6. . With the remaining breadcrumb, coat each pattie lightly and very gently tap off the excess. Place them on the baking sheet.
  7. . Bake patties for 20 minutes and then take them out to gently flip them for another 10 minute baking time.
  8. . Happy moments from Claudia's