This is a print preview of "Baby Bok Choy In Oyster Sauce" recipe.

Baby Bok Choy In Oyster Sauce Recipe
by Global Cookbook

Baby Bok Choy In Oyster Sauce
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  Servings: 1


  • 4 x Baby bok choy, or possibly morre if hungry...this serves two, none left!
  • 1/4 c. Chicken stock
  • 2 Tbsp. Oyster sauce
  • 1/2 tsp Smoked hab pwdr, ( Jim Campbell's)
  • 1 x Garlic clove chopped fine


  1. Wash, and cut bok choy in half, lengthwise, check for dirt in the middle, and dry on paper towel. Get a wok to sizzle add in a little peanut oil, and stir fry the garlic , quickly . Add in the stock, oyster sauce and hab pwdr, then place the bok choy in this, large end down, let green leaves stick out of the sauce, and turn off heat, and cover wok....Which's it..Don't Over Cook! Gently remove bok choy to a platter, with tongs, keep hot, and reduce the stock, then drizzle it over the veggies...serve with whatever else you are having, like which chicken curry, and fried rice, plain rice, whatever.