This is a print preview of "Artichoke Jalapeno Dip" recipe.

Artichoke Jalapeno Dip Recipe
by Erin S

I trust that all the mom’s out there had a wonderful Mother’s Day. We had a very relaxing day here. After being gone for three days last week, it was nice to be able to just sit and spend time with my guys. Not to mention we had a freak snow storm come through, so our options were limited. Thankfully, none of the snow stuck to the roads, so it should be gone by Tuesday. My husband planned a fun outing of riding our bikes to a French bakery in town, but guess we will have to do that another weekend. Maybe I will just steal that idea for Father’s Day

Have you ever had the spicy artichoke dip from Costco. We first tried it last summer, and my husband immediately fell in love. He likes anything spicy and anything with artichokes, so it wasn’t much of a surprise that he liked it. It was great straight out of the fridge, or even served as a warm dip. Right now Costco is about 40 minutes from our house, so we don’t make it there often. They are building one about 5 minutes from our house, but it won’t be open until October. So I decided we need to have a homemade version of this dip.

I love a dip that comes together in just a matter of minutes. You can do it all in the food processor too, so it is super easy! I used a jar of my favorite Cara-Mia Artichokes packed in water for this recipe. They are already halved, so you just add them to the food processor, and they blend perfectly with the cream cheese and other ingredients. I brought this to a party in a small crock pot to serve warm. It was a small group of people, so I was shocked when the dish was almost empty when I came home. Even the kids, who don’t love spicy food, thought this was perfect.

Artichoke Jalapeno Dip

Serves: 16

Prep time: 10 mins

Total time: 10 mins

Copycat version of a Costco favorite. Creamy, a little spicy, and delicious. Great served warm or cold.


1 jalapeno, seeded and chopped


Add the artichokes to the bowl of a food processor. Process until chopped. Add the chopped jalapeno and clove of garlic, and pulse until finely chopped. Add remaining ingredients, and process until well combined.

Let sit at least an hour before serving.

Serve warm or cold with pita chips, tortilla chips, crackers or veggies
